Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lovin' My New Shelf

I wanted a shelf in my sewing/projects room that went across the whole length of the wall. It wasn't a high priority, so the wall was blank for a year before my husband had time to make the shelf. Did I mention that I LOVE it? I spent almost an entire morning deciding how I wanted to decorate it.I've collected vintage sewing supplies for many years, and have some things from Japan and Germany, as well as the US. The tins below are from my Grandma who died twenty years ago. She used them to store her buttons and small sewing odds and ends. The wooden box with drawers on the left side of the shelf is a Japanese sewing box.
This wooden box started out it's life as a drawer from an antique sewing machine cabinet I bought in Germany. My incredibly- handy-to-have-around husband had a piece of plexiglass that he cut to cover the the box and screwed it on. Then I filled it with wooden spools and bobbins.
I put some of the larger buttons from my Grandma's button tin into this sweet pink glass jar I bought in Germany.
I bought the hat box at Ross just because it fit in with the rest of the decor of the room.
I saw this idea of putting old wooden spools in old-fashioned canning jars at a shop and thought to myself, "I'm going to do that!!" So I did.

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